Eliminate Bradenhead Pressure with Renegade Local Expander™ Annular Squeeze Tool

Renegade Local Expander™ Annular Squeeze Tool
Eliminate Bradenhead pressure without introducing additional elements into the well.
Bradenhead pressure, or sustained casing pressure (SCP) has long been a problem on oil and gas wells. Basically, a pressure buildup in the annular space between the surface casing and the casing string within the wellhead, Bradenhead pressure is caused when miniscule channels or annuli formed in the cement allow downhole gasses such as methane to travel up the well and be released into the atmosphere. Migration of gas or fluid from the formation through a leaking cement sheath causes buildup of these gasses and can cause Bradenhead pressure or SCP. If left unchecked, this can lead to costly well interventions and eventual P&A operations for the well.
IADC Bradenhead definition Oil and Gas Drilling Glossary
Although this pressure buildup can occur in any stage of the well’s life, it is especially critical on the approximate 3.2 million abandoned or orphaned wells currently releasing methane gas into the atmosphere and needing remediation prior to P&A.
Several states including Texas and New Mexico now have regulations in place for operators to check for Bradenhead pressure and take remedial action if Bradenhead pressure is found.
Link to Texas Administrative Code Rule 3.17 Pressure on Bradenhead Texas Administrative Code
Link to New Mexico energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department 2021 District III Bradenhead Test Schedule 2021DistrictIIIBradenheadTestSchedule.pdf
Renegade Local Expander Annular Squeeze Tool provides annular zonal isolation using localized casing expansion and is an ideal solution for overcoming Bradenhead pressure. Unlike other technologies that must introduce a permanent tool, product, chemical or perforation downhole, Local Expander utilizes what’s already in the wellbore—casing and cement—to seal the smallest leakage paths in oil and gas wells. The technology induces deformation and elongation of the inner diameter of the casing string, expanding the casing into the cement and effectively sealing the wellbore. The volume reduction in the annulus closes micro-annuli in the cement, preventing fugitive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from entering the atmosphere and permanently mitigating downhole flow issues.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering article Shell Restoration of annular zonal isolation using localized casing expansion (LCE) technology: A proof of concept based on laboratory studies and field trial results
- One-run tool deployed via electric wireline
- Crimping casing close to surface allows crews to work under safer conditions
- No permanently deployed tools, products or chemicals
The Local Expander is the preferred solution for regulatory departments because it repairs micro annulus without the use of chemicals and perforation. Pennsylvania DEP and Colorado’s Oil & Gas Commission are two of several agencies advocating the importance of eliminating gas migration from the wellbore.
Pennsylvania DEP Case Study Pennsylvania DEP Grants Permissions for Operator to P&A Well After Expansion Service
Renegade Wireline Services is the largest independent provider of cased-hole services in the North American oil and gas market. Renegade operates in all major oil and gas basins in the United States and is industry recognized as the premier cased-hole completions service provider. Renegade offers professional, experienced personnel with a focus on automated wellsite services, fit-for-purpose wireline safety equipment, environmental evaluation technology, well integrity evaluation, production services and plug and abandonment services. Call Renegade today to find out how the Local Expander can stop Bradenhead pressure or sustained casing pressure on your well.