Wireline Services

Wireline Services

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Renegade is the largest independently owned wireline company in the United States. Our wireline units can run slickline, eLine or braided line and can be configured to run multiple wellsite applications over the life of the well including formation evaluation, perforating, fishing and production logging. Our experienced crews are trained to run the full range of service, regardless of the conveyance type.  

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Formation Evaluation 

The more information you know about the surrounding formation, the better prepared you are for critical well decisions. The Renegade suite of formation evaluation tools provides data that helps plan drilling, completion and production operations.   


A stuck tool can add days of NPT if not quickly taken care of. When this happens, Renegade is standing by with a full range of tools, equipment and expertise to help devise a plan of action and retrieve the stuck tool.  

Production Logging 

Production Logging services evaluate fluid production rate and flow in producing wells and are a main indicator of well performance and problem identification. The results of a production logging services help recommend remedial treatment or workover operations.   


Renegade has a full range of services, equipment and expertise to establish communication between the formation and the wellbore to get the well flowing and then maintain production throughout the life of the well.  

Conveyance Solutions from Renegade for Every Application

24/7  on-call service from the largest and most diverse independently owned wireline company in the US.


Conventional Perforating

Conventional Perforating

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» Renegade’s fleet of wireline trucks provide top-level perforating services in all U.S. oil and gas basins.


Renegade has a full range of services, equipment and expertise to establish communication between the formation and the wellbore to get the well flowing and then maintain production throughout the life of the well.  

Customized perforating gun systems and thorough pre-planning help ensure the gun meets the specific need of the well, every time.

Perforating is an important part of the hydraulic fracturing process, but it is not a one-size-fits-all proposition; precise tool configuration should be a priority. Hole diameter, penetration depth, shot spacing and number of shots are all critical to properly fracturing a difficult zone. Renegade provides the precise gun configuration that you need to get the right-sized perforation to meet the specifications of each well. Although speed and efficiency are top priorities, we don’t sacrifice precision or safety. Each perforating gun is custom built to meet the requirements of the individual job. We offer a variety of sizes, lengths, charges and performance specifications that work with a variety of tools and manufacturers. 

Wellsite coordination is key to a successful frac 

At the wellsite, each stage of a frac job requires multiple companies to work together to successfully complete the job. Coordinating these efforts can be time consuming. The success of every well completion depends on having the right equipment, the right crew, and a precise system that eliminates the risk of unnecessary delays. At Renegade, our vendor relationships are at the heart of our business. Our exceptional vendor relationships mean Renegade can source the right tool and get it to the rig site quickly. We maintain excellent relationships with our vendors which insures a quick response to special requests.  

» Perforation string design can be configured to provide the maximum formation coverage.

Renegade’s commitment to safety has long been established by many industry-leading processes 

Committed to 100% intrinsically safe detonators  In 2015 and 2016 when many service providers were switching to a less-safe, EB platform, Renegade continued with intrinsically safe shooting systems, which do not sacrifice detonator quality and safety. 

Implementation of digital platforms and enhanced communication  Our real-time job monitoring system provides instant notifications and reporting for management and customers.

Training programs for employees  Renegade maintains regular training calendars for all roles. 

Extensive pre-job equipment checks facilitate safety and accuracy  Before the job begins, the Renegade crew calibrates all equipment.

SSE Mentorship Program  Short Service Employee (SSE) participants are identified prior to each perforating job. Renegade assigns experienced employees to oversee the daily activities of those assigned to the SSE program to prevent work-related injuries to new hires and temporary workers. 

Company-wide AESC Gold Award for Safety  Renegade has received the AESC gold award for safety every year since 2017. 

Renegade has a full range of perforating systems to help get the most out of you well. 

The Service Company You Hire Matters

Call us today for a live presentation and equipment consultation.


Free Point/Backoff Operations

Free Point/Backoff Operations

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» Renegade’s Free Point/Backoff service can quickly determine the stuck point, then free and recover the stuck tool string or pipe.

Free Point/Backoff Operations 

Renegade has the equipment and knowledge to quickly free stuck pipe or tools

When pipe or tools become stuck in the well, it can quickly become one of the costliest challenges an operator is faced with. Until the problem is resolved, other issues including delayed drilling, increased NPT and additional expenses for equipment and crew become critical. When this problem occurs, you need a company that provides fast response, safe operations and a knowledgeable crew with the best equipment.   

Quickly determining the stuck point, loosening or severing the stuck string and then recovering as much of the stuck tool or string as possible is imperative to get wellsite operations going again. Renegade has the equipment, personnel and experience to provide the solution when your toolstring or pipe becomes stuck. 

For successful pipe recovery and stuck tool operations you must first determine the free point of the tool or pipe. The free point is the depth at which the tubing, casing or tool that is stuck in the borehole is free to move. This will be the point at which recovery operations can begin.  

Renegade’s free point tool provides vital information that aids in cutter type selection and helps identify the location to separate pipe. Always ran with a CCL, the free point tool is first positioned at a known free spot to set up the tool and check proper tool functionality.

A sensor picks up movement in the assembly associated with tension, compression or torque. This signal is sent to a surface free point panel for display and recording. Renegade specialists continue the process until zero movement is detected by the sensors. 

Next the connection or pipe must be severed to pull the remaining string out of the hole. This can be accomplished by applying a ‘back off’ or reverse torque and at the same time detonating an explosive charge inside the nearest string connection.  

Don’t Let a Stuck Pipe Stop Your Operation.

Contact us today for fast response, safe operations, and knowledgeable crews. 


Circulating Pyro Torch

Circulating Pyro Torch

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» The Circulating Pyro Torch delivers consistent and proven results when adequate annulus flow is required for a successful cutting job.
» The Circulating Pyro Torch delivers consistent and proven results when adequate annulus flow is required for a successful cutting job.

Circulating Pyro Torch 

Effective operations when annular flow is required for the Radial Cutting Torch

MCR Oil Tool’s circulating pyro torch was developed using the same principles as the successful and field-proven radial cutting torch (RCT) system. However, in some conditions, adequate flow into the annulus is required when executing a successful RCT job. Explosive perforators and punchers are not reliable at producing consistent holes that provide sufficient flow, having a dramatic effect on success when cutting with the RCT. The circulating pyro torch delivers the required annular flow prior to cutting and provides a consistent and reliable punch in coil tubing, casing, and drill pipe. By utilizing the latest in MCR’s proprietary non-explosive, non-hazmat rated fuel technology, you can complete your job faster and safer than ever before. 

  • Non-explosive
  • Non-hazmat rated fuel
  • Radio safe
  • Operates in temperatures up to 500°F (260°C) and pressures up to 25,000 psi (172.4 MPa)
  • Perforates all steel, high chrome, and plastic-coated tubulars
  • Perforates in exotic fluids or dry pipe
  • Single/dual perforations in sizes from 0.38 in 2 to 7.0 in 2
  • Deployable within hours and not days
  • Minimizes downtime and associated costs


All Renegade operators are trained and certified by MCR for proper tool operation for safe and efficient operations. 

MCR’s circulating pyro torch assembly is lowered into the well to the desired depth. MCR’s thermal generator ignites and activates the primary fuel load causing an increase in internal pressure. Following internal pressure rise, plasma exits the torch which perforates the target pipe. By design, the CPT cutting jet forces the tool against the wall of the pipe; the high frictional forces between the CPT and the wall of the pipe are greater than the thrust forces exerted by the pressure bubble, stabilizing the perforator to make the cut. It is this feature that allows MCR’s perforators to function properly in plugged pipe situations. 

  • Undersized for restrictions 
  • HPHT environments 
  • Custom tools available  

Support Tools 

Generator Safety Sleeve® (GSS) 

  • Safely dissipates all thermal generator energy in the event of operator activation error on surface 

Remote Firing Mechanism® (RFM) 

  • Data logging tool and firing system 
  • Safely enables all MCR cutting systems 

Faster and Safer Results with MCR’s Circulating Pyro Torch

The service company that you hire matters – Call us today to work with us. 


Pipe Recovery Services

Pipe Recovery Services

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» Renegade Services available 24/7

Renegade Pipe Recovery Services 

The service company you hire matters.

Stuck pipe is one of the most expensive problems that can occur at the wellsite, creating delays in the drilling plan, increasing NPT and impacting overall well construction costs. Until the problem is resolved and the pipe recovered, drilling is at a standstill, with rig day rates of $10,000 to $1,000,000 quickly affecting the operators bottom line.    

Renegades pipe recovery services is a wireline deployed solution that frees or severs then recovers the stuck pipe when the drill string becomes lodged downhole due to mechanical or differential sticking.  

The same recovery procedure can also be used during plug and abandon (P&A) operations where pipe needs to be removed before the wellbore is sealed. This can be financially beneficial as the recovered pipe can be reused or sold.  

Renegade offers: 

  • 24/7 service  
  • Convenient locations near major shale plays provide fast response when time is critical 
  • All-inclusive pricing so you can efficiently budget job cost  
  • Communicating with experts that clearly state job details and provide peace of mind that the job will be completed as promised  
  • State-of-the-art service lowers NPT and gets your rig up and running as quickly as possible  
  • Knowledgeable and experienced wellsite technicians provide an efficient and cost-effective operation  
  • All Renegade operators are trained and certified for proper tool operation for safe and efficient operations. 
» Successfull pipe recovery allows operations to proceed, decreasing critical NPT.

During the entire recovery process, from call out to job completion, the Renegade Services team has the expertise and most advanced technology to provide a customized solution to free the drill or toolstring, minimize downtime and maximize profit. Renegade has a full suite of services that provide an overall solution to stuck tubing or tools.  


  • Stuck Pipe Log to provide a continuous record and evaluation of a stuck pipe string. Read more.
  • Radial Cutting Torch can sever tubing, casing, drill pipe and coiled tubing without the use of explosives or hazardous materials. Read more.
  • Circulating Pyro Torch for operations requiring annular flow prior to cutting. Read more.
  • Bridge Plugs  When a barrier is needed before or after separating pipe a bridge plug can be set in the tubular to maintain well control. They are typically used only when pressure is present. 
  • Tubular Fishing  When running MWD tools, tubing will need to be fished before pipe recovery operations begin. 
  • Free Point/Backoff Operations Renegade provides fast response, safe operations and a knowledgeable crew with the best equipment to locate, free and retrieve stuck tools or pipe. Read more.
  • Fishing Tools  Renegade offers a full line of fishing tools to help retrieve the stuck tool.  
  • Automatic Release Tool is used in horizontal and highly deviated wells when the controllable release of all or part of a stuck toolstring is required. 
  • Jet and Chemical Cutters are used in situations where the back-off method of release is not practical.  

Don't Let a Stuck Pipe Derail Your Operations

The service company that you hire matters – Call us today to work with us.


Radial Cutting Torch

Radial Cutting Torch

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» The Radial Cutting Torch provides safe, effective operations for severing downhole tubulars.
» The Radial Cutting Torch provides safe, effective operations for severing downhole tubulars.

Radial Cutting Torch 

Safe, effective operations to sever tubing, casing, drill pipe or coiled tubing

MCR Oil Tool’s radial cutting torch (RCT) is a patented cutting device used to sever tubing, casing, drill pipe, and coiled tubing without the use of explosives or hazardous materials, making it one of the safest pipe cutting tools on the market. Using advanced technology, the patented nozzle and proprietary mixture of various powdered metals produces jets of highly energized plasma to cut virtually any type of pipe in any well environment. Because the RCT does not use explosives or hazardous chemicals, the tool can be shipped almost anywhere in the world within 24 hours, saving significant time and associated costs, while remaining compliant with safety regulations. 


All Renegade operators are trained and certified by MCR for proper tool operation for safe and efficient operations. 

The RCT assembly is lowered into the well until the desired depth is reached. MCR’s thermal generator ignites and activates the primary fuel load; highly energized plasma is produced causing an increase in internal pressure. Once the pressure exceeds that of the wellbore, the protective sleeve is displaced exposing the nozzle to the wellbore. Plasma exits through the nozzle to sever the targeted tubing, casing, drill pipe or coiled tubing in wellbore temperatures up to 500°F (260°C) and pressures to 20,000 psi (137.9 MPa). 

  • Undersized for restrictions 
  • Suitable for HPHT environments
  • Cuts up to 9-5/8-in. casing 
  • Custom tools available 
  • Non-HazMat rated RCT’s currently available: RCT-SP  

Radial Cutting Torch Support Tools 

Electromechanical Anchor® (EMA) 

  • Anchors during cutting operation 
  • Available for E-Line 
  • Deployable in 1½-in. to 4-in. size wireline 

Generator Safety Sleeve® (GSS) 

  • Safely dissipates all thermal generator energy in the event of operator activation error on surface 

Remote Firing Mechanism® (RFM) 

  • Data logging tool and firing system 
  • Safely enables all MCR cutting systems 


RCT Part Number  Size  Pipe/Tubing Material  Tool OD  Operating Temperature  Max Working Pressure 
RCT-2500-300  3-1/2 In.  Hastelloy  2.5 in.  300° F  11,000 psi 
RCT-3375-400  5-1/2 in.  26# 25% Chrome  3.375 in.  400°F  8,600 psi (360°F) 
RCT-5000-300  7-5/8 in.  33.7# L80  5 in.  300°F  8,400 psi 
RCT-7000-300  9-5/8 in.  59.4# L80  7 in.  300°F   
RCT-1500-999 XP  2-7/8 in.  10.7# 70% Glycol  1.5 in.    8,600 psi (360°F) 

Proven Solutions for Cutting Tubing, Casing, Drill Pipe or Coiled Tubing.

The service company that you hire matters – Call us today to work with us. 


Stuck Pipe Log

Stuck Pipe Log

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»The stuck pipe log is deployed from our standard logging unit and can be run through drill pipe, casing or tubing.

Stuck Pipe Log 

When wellsite problems occur, Renegade has the full range of options to successfully free stuck pipe.

The stuck pipe log uses acoustic measurement techniques to provide a continuous record and evaluation of a stuck pipe string. This logging service can be performed through drill pipe, casing, or tubing to identify problem areas. 

Acoustic pulses, initiated at the instrument’s transmitter, travel through the pipe string and are measured at the receiver. The acoustic energy level at the receiver is proportional to the degree of stuck pipe. Similar to conventional cement bond logging measurements, low attenuation readings indicate free pipe and high attenuation readings indicate stuck pipe. 

The stuck pipe log is superior to free point evaluation because the stuck pipe log is used to determine multiple stuck points throughout the well instead of just the first problem area. With a complete picture of the situation, an informed decision and subsequent pipe recovery plan can be devised, saving time and money. 

  • Piezoelectric crystals used in transmitters and receivers 
  • Includes wellbore temperature sensor 
  • H2S resistant construction 
  • Can be run in any mud type and weight 
  • Real time tool quality control 



Tool Specifications 

OD  1-11/16 in. (43 mm) 
Length  9.72 ft (2.97 m) 
Weight  52 lb (24 kg) 
Maximum Operating Temperature  450° F (232°C) 
Pressure Rating  20,000 psi (138 MPa) 
Vertical Resolution  3 ft CBL and 5 ft VDL 



Bottom line: Optimize your pipe recovery operation with Renegade’s Stuck Pipe Log.

The service company that you hire matters – Call us today to see the difference.  


Tool and Pipe Recovery

Tool and Pipe Recovery

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Renegade Pipe Recovery Services 

Renegade tool and pipe recovery services are utilized when a toolstring or pipe is stuck in the well or during plug and abandonment (P&A) operations when pipe needs to be removed before the wellbore is sealed. We offer 24/7 service from convenient locations near all major U.S. shale plays. 

Related Content

Pipe Recovery

Renegade pipe recovery experts evaluate the challenge, then devise a proven, customized solution to locate, free or sever and then recover the stuck pipe. We offer a full range of cutters, torches, freepoint/backoff and associated services along with the expertise to solve any situation.  

Free Point/Backoff Operations

When pipe or tools become stuck in the well, Renegade provides fast response, safe operations and a knowledgeable crew with the best equipment to locate, free and retrieve stuck tools or pipe.

Circulating Pyro Torch

Based on proven Radial Cutting Torch technology, the Circulating Pyro Torch is used in operations that require annular flow prior to cutting. The circulating pyro torch delivers a consistent and reliable punch in coil tubing, casing and drill pipe. Using the latest proprietary non-explosive, non-hazmat rated technology, your job is completed faster and safer.

Radial Cutting Torch

Radial Cutting Torch can sever tubing, casing, drill pipe and coiled tubing without the use of explosives or hazardous materials. Patented, innovative technology allows the torch to cut virtually any type of pipe in well environments up to 500°F (260°C). The tool can be shipped worldwide within 24 hours, while remaining compliant with safety regulations.  


Jet cutters and chemical cutters are used in situations where the back-off method is not practical. For jet cutting, specially designed, shaped explosives produce a high-velocity jet that acts radially to sever tubing or casing. The jet cutter is the fastest and most economical method to cut tubing or casing.  

Chemical Cutters use high-pressure bromine trifluoride acid to cleanly cut the pipe. 

Stuck Pipe Log

Provides a continuous record and evaluation of a stuck pipe string. It can be used through drill pipe, casing or tubing to identify problem areas in harsh environments up to 450°F (232°C) and 20,000 psi (138 MPa). Renegade provides a complete understanding of the situation, so an informed decision and pipe recovery plan can be put in place. 

Don't Let a Stuck Pipe Derail Your Operations

The service company that you hire matters – Call us today to work with us.


Local Expander

Local Expander

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For decades, operators and service companies have attempted to minimize problems impacting aging oil and gas wells. Over time, micro-annulus can form in the cement/casing bond of the wellbore, creating potential flow paths to the surface and compromising wellbore integrity.  Inconsistencies such as gaps, channels and voids between the casing, cement and formation are problematic for even the most advanced slurries. This has long plagued oil and gas wells, especially in abandoned wells where methane leaks are common and present an environmental risk. Now Renegade offers a proven solution. 

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»Fingers at the top end of the tool expand outward into the casing, densifying and sealing the cement.




This new process involves a retractable, expandable mechanical device that induces plastic deformation and elongation of the inner diameter of the casing string. The result is the outer diameter of the casing expanding into the cement. The associated volume reduction in the annulus closes micro-annuli defects in the cement and results in an overall densification of the cement. This alternative offers rigless remediation of annular gas/fluid migration and bradenhead pressure.   

This new process involves imposing permanent deformation on the casing pipe to locally enlarge its diameter. It operates in a mechanical, fully controlled manner and can be quickly repeated at any target interval for engineered redundancy to fully eliminate all micro-annuli and backside gas flow problems with confidence. 



  • Fingers at the top end of the tool are pressed outward by an actuated cone. 
  • The fingers expand the casing into the cement. 
  • RESULT: The cement is locally densified. The source of the bradenhead pressure path is eliminated.



The tool creates a series of crimps in the casing that eliminate the micro-annulus. By using an electric line and having a one-run tool, the Local Expander has achieved the same results as a conventional squeeze but at a fraction of the cost and effort. 



Safety concern for workover operations is also significantly minimized with the implementation of the Local Expander. Crimping casing close to the surface allows crews to work under much safer conditions knowing there is no gas seepage to the surface. 



Wells scheduled to be permanently taken out of service must be totally sealed not only at the surface but throughout the casing string. This means no leaks of any kind. This often results in a backlog of wells waiting for P&A. The Local Expander is the trusted choice for scheduled P&A because it can affordably seal any leaks prior to P&A. Once gas migration leaks are sealed, plug and abandonment can proceed.  

In addition to plug and abandonment, several other wellsite operations can utilize the benefits of the Local Expander. 

  • Shutting off backside pressure in producing or injection wells 
  • Stopping gas migration behind the surface and/or intermediate casing strings during the drilling process 
  • Preventative maintenance prior to hydraulic fracturing where the Local Expander is used to isolate the frac zone  
  • Create a barrier during squeeze cementing



The Local Expander is the preferred solution for regulatory departments because it repairs micro annulus without the use of chemicals and perforation. Pennsylvania DEP and Colorado’s Oil & Gas Commission are two of several agencies advocating the importance of eliminating gas migration from the wellbore. 



Because there are no permanently deployable tools, products, or chemicals, the Local Expander leads the industry as an alternative service that leaves no trace beyond the intended service. Keeping unwanted gases and liquids in the ground instead of permeating to the surface on the backside of casing is the challenge that Local Expander effectively solves.  

Local Expander – Annular Squeeze Tool™ 

Let's start the conversation about how Renegade and the Local Expander can work for you. 


Radial Cement Bond Log

Radial Cement Bond Log

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» Rugged tool construction allows operation in hostile environments
» Rugged tool construction allows operation in hostile environments

Radial Cement Bond Log 

Accurate information of cement channeling behind casing

The radial cement bond tool utilizes a single ceramic transmitter, an eight-segment receiver at 3-ft spacing and a single receiver at 5-ft spacing to accurately measure the quality of the cement job in a cased hole well environment. The segmented receiver provides a good indication of cement channeling behind the casing.  

This cement bond tool consists of oil-filled, pressure-compensated transmitter and receiver sections. The transmitter and both receivers are ceramic to withstand the hostile high temperature of well environments. Upon each transmitter firing, data from all the receivers is digitized and stored in internal memory, then sequentially transmitted to the surface. 

The digital signal section is capable of transmitting data to the surface from tools run below the RCBL such as gamma ray, casing collar log (CCL), in-line neutron, compensated neutron or other tools with one or two pulse channels. 

Transmission of the sonic data to the surface is accomplished by an internal controller which transmits eight to sixteen signals from radial receivers/sectors, a composite 3-ft signal (sum of all eight radial signals), a 5-ft receiver signal, and an internally generated calibration signal. Transmission of the remaining signals consists of digitally encoded data transmitted after the acoustic signals. 

» Accurate information of cement channeling behind casing

Extend the Life of Your Well

Contact to Renegade for more information about casing integrity and evaluation services.  


Injection Profiles

Injection Profiles

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Injection Profile Logging (IPL)

Fluid Flow Data From Injection Wells Provide Insight on Overall Well Construction Integrity

As a field matures the need for injection profile data from injection wells increases. Running injection profiles eliminates assumptions of fluid direction providing an overall view of well performance and integrity, allowing operators to map their water or CO2 flood.  

Renegade Injection Profile Logging (IPL) checks the integrity of overall well construction on injection wells. Profiles are run to determine the health of injector units, monitor fluid dispersion, find and measure out-of-zone losses and provide a comprehensive picture of the overall downhole activity on an injector. This service can identify leaks out of the zones’ injection area, including packer leaks and holes in tubing where there are no perforations.

The shut-in portion of the injection profile log can provide customers insight into areas of fluid storage and communications between high- and low-pressure zones. Renegade’s injection profiles provide the confidence to efficiently tackle problem-well situations that can commonly cost much more and take longer to complete. Services are typically run every four years for water wells and two years for CO2 wells. 

IPL has two advantages over traditional mechanical services such as spinner tools. First, it can observe fluid movement behind pipe; second, they eliminate the risk of blades sticking if wellbore debris is encountered. In some instances, RA tracers may be the only way to identify and locate problem areas in the well. Renegade utilizes innovative equipment and tools and has an in-house RA lab to mix RA material for specific volume and job needs.  

Aradia Wireline acquired data vs timegif
» Cross-flow checks show zones of high or low pressure by annotating fluid cross flow velocity and fluid movement.
Radioactive Tracer Log

Uses RA tracer material to detect channels or leaks that can indicate the precise location and rate of fluid loss.  

Temperature Log

Temperature variations indicate fluid loss to help identify channels and prove fluid entry points.  

Gamma Ray and CCL Log

Used in both open hole and casing to correlate job to the proper depth, provide depth control for future jobs, identify natural radioactivity in the formation and identify collars, packers and casing shoes.  

Benefits of IPL service 
  • Determine where injection fluid is going 
  • Evaluate general flood performance 
  • Identify packer failure 
  • Locate and analyze channeling and cross-flowing fluid 
  • Identify fluid entry 
  • Identify holes in casing/tubing or out-of-zone injection 
  • Determine hole size and amount of scale 
  • Verify conformance to environmental requirements 
  • Determine formation porosity 
  • Compatible with any type of operation: coil tubing, refract, workover, land rig, wireline 

The Service Company You Hire Matters

Call us today for a live presentation and solution consultation.