Home » Tubing Conveyed Perforating

Tubing Conveyed Perforation

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Renegade offers expert tubing conveyed perforating (TCP) to the industry. With over 20 years of operational experience, our engineers and field crews are experts on the full-system capability of this effective and versatile service. We offer TCP operations from all our field offices, located in oil and gas plays across the country. Our mobile service operations are based in the ArkLaTex area, and are prepared to quickly deploy to any location in the U.S. 

A benefit of TCP is that production is initiated directly after perforating. Unlike traditional wireline, TCP allows the well to flow right after the perforating gun is fired.  

Renegade TCP Service Overview 

  • Horizontal and Vertical Wells  
  • Under- and Overbalanced Wells  
  • Dropping Gun Systems for Straight Hole Wells  
  • Multiple-Stage Perforating 
  • Pipe Recovery 
  • Re-Fracs with Pulse Wave System  
  • Capability to Shoot Stim Sleeves 
  • Industry LeadingFiring Systems 
  • Strategic Gun Modeling with Charge Manufacturers  

    Firing Systems (Impact Detonation) 

    • Mechanical Bar drop 
    • Ball Drop 
    • Direct Pressure 
    • Auto Release 
    • Extreme Overbalance 

    TCP Applications 

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    Horizontal and highly deviated wells 

    The innovative TCP process allows our operators to service horizontal and highly deviated wells where traditional wireline is limited. 

    Complete Sterile Zones 

    TCP can be used in underbalanced situations when fluid sensitive zones are being perforated. Using TCP, the lower zones can be produced after the upper zones. 

    Coil Tubing 

    Tubing Conveyed Perforating is deployed on coiled tubing. Renegade has the capability to convey guns on horizontal and vertical wells regardless of pressure in the wellbore. 

    Land Rigs 

    TCP can be used in conjunction with DST tools for quick and accurate exploration and reservoir evaluation.  


    Customers are surprised to learn that re-fracs can be performed utilizing the Pulse Wave System from Renegade, which reduces the number of tools run into the wellbore and can be performed with just a single trip in the well. 


    Renegade can use TCP when rigs requiring longer gun intervals are required in permanent completion scenarios. 

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    TCP guns are run below a permanent or retrievable packer with a wireline unit to log and control depth. The TCP assembly is positioned by setting the packer prior to dropping the bar and pressuring the wellbore. 

    Looking for Professional Tubing Conveyed Perforation? Look No Further

    Give us a call to take advantage of Renegade's services  


    Sales: (318) 518-1321 ‬
    Technical: (318) 747-1620‬