Case Study Downhole InSigh NuWav Camera Uncovers Failed Packer Retrieval CONDITION: During the pre-deployment phase of well operations, an operator found they could not retrieve a packer set in 5-1/2-in. casing at 3789 ft. After several unsuccessful...
Case Study: Downhole InSight™ nuWAV™ Camera identifies obstructions in the well
Case Study Downhole InSight NuWave Caerma identifies obstructions in the well, descreasing cirtical NPT for the customer CHALLENGE: During the pre-deployment phase of well operations, an operator found that although the well was circulating, there...
Case Study: Downhole InSight NuWav Camera identifies collapsed casing
Case Study Downhold InSight NuWAV Camera identifies collapsed casing, helps customer determine well repair plans. CHALLENGE: An operator in the middle of a new project called after encountering challenges preventing them from forward progress....