Home » Conventional Perforating
» Renegade’s fleet of wireline trucks provide top-level perforating services in all U.S. oil and gas basins.


Renegade has a full range of services, equipment and expertise to establish communication between the formation and the wellbore to get the well flowing and then maintain production throughout the life of the well.  

Customized perforating gun systems and thorough pre-planning help ensure the gun meets the specific need of the well, every time.

Perforating is an important part of the hydraulic fracturing process, but it is not a one-size-fits-all proposition; precise tool configuration should be a priority. Hole diameter, penetration depth, shot spacing and number of shots are all critical to properly fracturing a difficult zone. Renegade provides the precise gun configuration that you need to get the right-sized perforation to meet the specifications of each well. Although speed and efficiency are top priorities, we don’t sacrifice precision or safety. Each perforating gun is custom built to meet the requirements of the individual job. We offer a variety of sizes, lengths, charges and performance specifications that work with a variety of tools and manufacturers. 

Wellsite coordination is key to a successful frac 

At the wellsite, each stage of a frac job requires multiple companies to work together to successfully complete the job. Coordinating these efforts can be time consuming. The success of every well completion depends on having the right equipment, the right crew, and a precise system that eliminates the risk of unnecessary delays. At Renegade, our vendor relationships are at the heart of our business. Our exceptional vendor relationships mean Renegade can source the right tool and get it to the rig site quickly. We maintain excellent relationships with our vendors which insures a quick response to special requests.  

» Perforation string design can be configured to provide the maximum formation coverage.

Renegade’s commitment to safety has long been established by many industry-leading processes 

Committed to 100% intrinsically safe detonators  In 2015 and 2016 when many service providers were switching to a less-safe, EB platform, Renegade continued with intrinsically safe shooting systems, which do not sacrifice detonator quality and safety. 

Implementation of digital platforms and enhanced communication  Our real-time job monitoring system provides instant notifications and reporting for management and customers.

Training programs for employees  Renegade maintains regular training calendars for all roles. 

Extensive pre-job equipment checks facilitate safety and accuracy  Before the job begins, the Renegade crew calibrates all equipment.

SSE Mentorship Program  Short Service Employee (SSE) participants are identified prior to each perforating job. Renegade assigns experienced employees to oversee the daily activities of those assigned to the SSE program to prevent work-related injuries to new hires and temporary workers. 

Company-wide AESC Gold Award for Safety  Renegade has received the AESC gold award for safety every year since 2017. 

Renegade has a full range of perforating systems to help get the most out of your well. More data and means of contacting Renegade can be found on other perforating methods by visiting our Plug and Perf and Tubing-Conveyed Perforating pages.

The Service Company You Hire Matters

Call us today for a live presentation and equipment consultation.



Ask to speak to the local operations manager

FORM SUBMISSION: Lead from Perforation Services Page at renegadewls.com

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