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SWAT Spectral Well Analysis

Records entire spectrum of all natural emitting gamma rays and previously injected isotopes during stimulation (frac). Each isotope energy level, measured in electron volts (KeV), is simultaneously recorded at the surface.

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No Wash ISO Seal

(IsoSeal-3) “NO WASH” is designed to eliminate radioactive residue in fluids or tubular goods in wells while being fractured, acidized, or cemented. The basic material (beads) has a lower density and higher sheer stress tolerance than other types of products being used.

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Radioactive Tracers Offer a Closer Look at Horizontal Completions

Completion techniques can be analyzed using gamma ray emitting isotopes and spectral gamma ray logging. Examples of Austin Chalk and Bakken Shale evaluations show how operators can qualitatively compare stimulation and diversion effectiveness, and completion methods by using tracer technology.

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Gamma Ray Tracers Help Evaluate Acid Diversion

The use of multiple gamma ray tracers has helped evaluate acid diversion in several North Sea completions. The use of multiple radioactive tracers and subsequent logging with advanced gamma spectroscopy techniques offers a cost-effective and convenient method for direct measurement of vital stimulation parameters such as diverter effectiveness.

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Tracers Improve Hydraulic Fracturing

Because the success of well stimulation treatments often dictates the economic justification of petroleum field development, much effort has been devoted to the measurement of various parameters associated with this critical and costly operation. Specifically, the prediction, measurement, and optimization of induced hydraulic fracture geometry.

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Tracers Facilitate Stimulation Job Evaluation

Logging tools can now quantify multiple isotopes, including the volume of individual isotopes present and their radial position away from the wellbore. In conjunction with those improvements, tracers have been developed that eliminate “wash off” effects of conventional tracers.

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