An Operators Perspective On Safety
Eliminating the Hazard With GunHandler – The Wireline Tool Wrangler
If there has been one constant in the oilfield over the last century, it’s the backing of a strong and dedicated workforce.
The labor component of oil and gas operations is equally important as is its technology advancement counterpart. The human element of capital, maintenance, and production projects is likely to remain the leader of consistency in the oil patch. Even with modern efforts to digitize and mechanized field operations, having personnel onsite to manage best practices and keep operations continuous is paramount. With the on-going introduction of works, as always, brings a highly variable degree of risk to every step of operations.
The main focus here is the operator. Possibly one of the most laborious positions in the oilfield, operators on a frac spread is no stranger to hard work. Neither are the numerous 3rd-parties coming in and out of location performing various specialty services.
In the case of wireline operators, they are the ones often to stay on the job from start to finish, being on-call, and being a single point of contact during troubleshooting. Because of the repetitive nature of wireline activities during fracs, wireline operators are subjected to the same repetitive hazard profiles during each work shift.
Slips, trips, and falls, pinch points, overexertion, fire or explosions, exposure to high levels of noise, and struck-by high-pressure line hazards are all commonly associates hazards any given wireline operator (or any operator on location for that matter) would be exposed to during any given shift.

While some of these hazards we cannot engineer out of the hierarchy of hazard controls, the repetitive motion of picking up, and laying down wireline tools before and after each stage, there is a lot of room here to eliminate the hazard of manual tool handling, as well as increase efficiency of not tying up other personnel on location.
Furthermore, heart rate creep on operators is further minimized as this action has been replaced by the mechanized operation through GunHandler. Elevated heart rate is a during work shifts is a leading cause of accelerated fatigue and fatigue-related injuries.
During ambulatory work bouts spread over a two-week hitch, the average operator heartbeat can be elevated up to 72% of their normal heart rate over the course of 14-15 days.
Tight living quarters often filled with industrial noise and frequent interruptions, high-pressure operations that quickly escalate in cost, and the mental toll of being away from home can all lead to a decrease in the capacity to focus on well site operations.
Additionally, GunHandler has a 42-inch deck height to move any tool after assembly or before disassembly away from jack stands on the ground to an optimal waist height level. Rather than using the manual dolly to vertically orient tools for pick up or lay down, GunHandler eliminates the hazards associated manual tool deployment in addition to reducing the contribution to repetitive strain risk facing wireline crews.
All of the Renegade product families attempt to remap today’s wellsites. We pride ourselves on our engineered products and services matching the level of high-expectation operators demand in our tech-driven world. Trying any of our products can be the stability you need in the stress-flush environment of price volatility. We know our debut with new clients will a refreshing experience, and that’s what gets us fired up every morning.