Eliminate Bradenhead Pressure with Renegade Local Expander™ Annular Squeeze Tool

Eliminate Bradenhead Pressure with Renegade Local Expander™ Annular Squeeze Tool

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Renegade Local Expander™ Annular Squeeze Tool

Eliminate Bradenhead pressure without introducing additional elements into the well.

Bradenhead pressure, or sustained casing pressure (SCP) has long been a problem on oil and gas wells. Basically, a pressure buildup in the annular space between the surface casing and the casing string within the wellhead, Bradenhead pressure is caused when miniscule channels or annuli formed in the cement allow downhole gasses such as methane to travel up the well and be released into the atmosphere. Migration of gas or fluid from the formation through a leaking cement sheath causes buildup of these gasses and can cause Bradenhead pressure or SCP. If left unchecked, this can lead to costly well interventions and eventual P&A operations for the well.

IADC Bradenhead definition Oil and Gas Drilling Glossary

Although this pressure buildup can occur in any stage of the well’s life, it is especially critical on the approximate 3.2 million abandoned or orphaned wells currently releasing methane gas into the atmosphere and needing remediation prior to P&A.

Several states including Texas and New Mexico now have regulations in place for operators to check for Bradenhead pressure and take remedial action if Bradenhead pressure is found.

Link to Texas Administrative Code Rule 3.17 Pressure on Bradenhead Texas Administrative Code

Link to New Mexico energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department 2021 District III Bradenhead Test Schedule 2021DistrictIIIBradenheadTestSchedule.pdf

Renegade Local Expander Annular Squeeze Tool provides annular zonal isolation using localized casing expansion and is an ideal solution for overcoming Bradenhead pressure. Unlike other technologies that must introduce a permanent tool, product, chemical or perforation downhole, Local Expander utilizes what’s already in the wellbore—casing and cement—to seal the smallest leakage paths in oil and gas wells. The technology induces deformation and elongation of the inner diameter of the casing string, expanding the casing into the cement and effectively sealing the wellbore. The volume reduction in the annulus closes micro-annuli in the cement, preventing fugitive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from entering the atmosphere and permanently mitigating downhole flow issues. 

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering article Shell Restoration of annular zonal isolation using localized casing expansion (LCE) technology: A proof of concept based on laboratory studies and field trial results

  • One-run tool deployed via electric wireline
  • Crimping casing close to surface allows crews to work under safer conditions
  • No permanently deployed tools, products or chemicals

The Local Expander is the preferred solution for regulatory departments because it repairs micro annulus without the use of chemicals and perforation. Pennsylvania DEP and Colorado’s Oil & Gas Commission are two of several agencies advocating the importance of eliminating gas migration from the wellbore. 

Pennsylvania DEP Case Study Pennsylvania DEP Grants Permissions for Operator to P&A Well After Expansion Service


Renegade Wireline Services is the largest independent provider of cased-hole services in the North American oil and gas market. Renegade operates in all major oil and gas basins in the United States and is industry recognized as the premier cased-hole completions service provider. Renegade offers professional, experienced personnel with a focus on automated wellsite services, fit-for-purpose wireline safety equipment, environmental evaluation technology, well integrity evaluation, production services and plug and abandonment services. Call Renegade today to find out how the Local Expander can stop Bradenhead pressure or sustained casing pressure on your well.

Local Expander – Annular Squeeze Tool™ 

Let's start the conversation about how Renegade and the Local Expander can work for you. 


Tracer Technologies

Tracer Technologies

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Renegade Completion Diagnostic Technologies

Tracer services for multi-well and multi-stage unconventional and conventional stimulation and EOR project management

A successful completion is a critical part of your well’s production plan. Renegade offers a full suite of completion diagnostic evaluation and tracer solutions that provide quantitative and qualitative data analytics. The accumulated data is used to evaluate completion, reservoir, and EOR (enhanced oil recovery) scenarios to increase well production and reduce operating cost. Established in 2010, our goal is to provide a competitive economic and regional tracer service option for oil and gas operators across all U.S. basins.

Renegade diagnostic technologies provides tracer injection options for a broad spectrum of applications including multi-well and multi-stage unconventional and conventional stimulation and EOR project management. Our wellsite technicians continually monitor injection for optimal QA/QC tracer placement, proppant, fluid, and job performance.

  • Monitor and diagnose horizontal well stimulations
  • Evaluate stimulation job effectiveness
  • Improve hydraulic fracturing results
  • Help evaluate acid diversion
  • Determine fracture orientation and fracture width
  • Analyze horizontal completions
  • Trace SWD
  • Waterflood applications
   » Click to view full SWAT Survey

Renegade Tracer Technologies utilizes a zero-wash isotope to prevent any material plating off during the fracturing process.

SWAT Spectral Well Analysis Technology is Renegade’s line of post-frac logging tools used to identify and define radioactive isotopes. These tools offer real-time or memory data in a 1-11/16-in. OD tool configuration.

RWT Renegade Water Tracer Technology is a composite line of benzoic salts. These singular-phase water tracers are utilized for a large variety of applications in completions, reservoir characterization and EOR diagnostics.

ROT Renegade Oil Tracer Technology is a composite line of hydrophobic tracers that are water phobic and preferential to organic material. The tracers disperse from the water phase into hydrocarbon phase upon introduction to the reservoir.

As part of an overall tracer program, Renegade offers:

Tracer calibration testing RWT and ROT tracers are calibrated through controlled interval testing and in various formations.

Sampling collection and coordination Renegade provides in-house sampling coordination as part of our standard service, avoiding any complications with shipping and receiving.

Real-Time job monitoring Enhanced report with high-resolution 3D viewing and job summary analytics.

Reports delivered in multiple formats for integration with other operator programs.

Renegade Services can Provide Any Tracer Application Your Company Requires

Contact a Renegade Representative Near You 


Full Electric Drive Wireline Truck

Full Electric Drive Wireline Truck

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» The small footprint of the full electric drive unit does not take up valuable rig space.

Renegade introduces new Full Electric Drive Wireline Truck for customers in the Northeast 

Efficiency, performance and regulatory compliance all in a compact unit

Today, companies are being challenged to evaluate their environmental footprint as part of a long-term ESG strategy. One example recently occurred when Renegade Wireline Services and Benchmark Wireline Products teamed up to convert an existing Renegade Bulldog unit into an electric unit. For use in areas where many customers are now requiring electric fleets on the job site, the new Full Electric Drive Wireline Truck will bring more efficient operations to the wellsite and provide quieter operations while lessening the impact on the environment. The unit will also help meet strict regulatory requirements that are mandatory for some areas. While electric units at the rigsite are not a new idea, they have recently become more common due to several advantages.

  • More efficient 
  • Lessens the environmental impact 
  • Less noise 
  • Meets regulatory requirements in some areas 
» The unit features many automatic controls and displays.

The trend is that for future use, all wireline units will be required to be electric. This is another example of Renegade bringing technology to the wellsite the customer has asked for.

Designed specifically for customers whose wells have a small footprint, Renegade’s Full Electric Drive Wireline unit can fit where other units cannot without taking up valuable rigsite space. Although there are competitor units available, they are larger in size, cost much more and are size-prohibitive for well sites with a small footprint. The Renegade unit was designed with the customer in mind to accommodate small locations.    

Some of the features of this new unit include: 

  • Auto Surface Shutdown 
  • Auto Over-tension Shutdown 
  • Auto Target Depth Tie-In and Shutdown 
  • Automatic Torque Control Adjustment 
  • Automatic Cable Oiler (optional) 
  • Visual Alarm Settings 
  • Hoist Controller with Can Buss Interface 

Benefits to the service company include increased operational efficiency.  

  • No diesel fuel is required on location assuming there is AC power on location. 
  • There is reduced wear and tear on the equipment, especially on pump-down operations where the engine can be running for long periods of time. The unit motor is only used for transport from one location to another. 
  • Fewer moving parts except for the winch. No pumps, no PTO, etc. All replaced with electric power. 
  • The combination of an electric unit and AC power on location can result in a zero-carbon footprint. 

See How You Can Make a Huge Difference in the Environmental Footprint and Efficiency of Your Wellsite

Contact us today to learn more about our customer-centric design. 


Leak Detection

Leak Detection

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Leak Detection

Experience and innovation provide the means to successfully identify leaks and fluid flow

Renegade Leak Detection Services identifies leaks and fluid flow direction in annulus, casing or tubulars without the need to deploy mechanical devices such as spinner tools downhole. 

Renegade’s experience with our proven tracer technologies for frac operations, and injection profiles mean we can devise the right combination of tools, RA material and expertise for any leak detection operation.  

Leaks present in any pipe string that you can pump into can be tested with this same process utilized by our proven injection profile service. Compliance is often required by state regulations on disposal wells to ensure all injected fluid is leaving the well in the permitted zones and is not channeling up to higher intervals. Trial runs before pumping cement can also be performed to ensure abandonment procedures are met and cement locations are approved by state authorities.

Injection Profiles are run to find and measure out-of-zone losses, monitor fluid dispersion and provide a comprehensive picture of the overall downhole activity. This service can identify leaks, including packer leaks and holes in tubing where there are no perforations. Renegade’s injection profiles provide the confidence to efficiently tackle problem-well situations that can commonly cost much more and take longer to complete.  read more 

Radioactive Tracer Log uses RA tracer material to detect channels or leaks that can indicate the precise location and rate of fluid loss.  

Temperature Log Temperature variations indicate fluid loss to help identify channels and prove fluid entry points.  

Gamma Ray and CCL Logs are used in both open hole and casing to correlate job to the proper depth, provide depth control for future jobs, identify natural radioactivity in the formation and identify collars, packers and casing shoes.  

With our industry-leading technology and extensive knowledge base, Renegade provides well integrity quantifications as well as production economics in real time.
Read more here



  • P&A Operations 
  • Disposal Wells 
  • Production Wells 
  • Injection Wells 
  • Drilling Rigs 
  • Workover Rigs 
  • Collar Leak Identification 
  • Determine source of loss circulation 
  • Identify leaks on frac jobs that prevent perforating guns to be pumped through the lateral  

Solve Any Leak Proven Tracer Technology 

Contact us today for access to our team of experts. 


Shell Authored Paper Featuring the Local Expander™ is Now Published in Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

Shell Authored Paper Featuring the Local Expander™ is Now Published in Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

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Unveiling Shell’s Innovative Approach to Well Repair

A Shell-authored paper was recently published in the Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering. The title of the paper is “Shell Restoration of annular zonal isolation using localized casing expansion (LCE) technology: A proof of concept based on laboratory studies and field trial results”.

The paper details the following:

  • How sustained casing pressure (SCP), surface casing vent flow (SCVF), and other types of annular fluid migration plague wells across many regions, including an overview of conventional methods to repair these wells
  • A deep dive into the technical specifications of the Local Expander tool including modeling diagrams, measurements, pressure ratings, and performance capabilities
  • Dual annulus laboratory testing and post-experiment cement characterization and casing integrity modeling studies
  • Extensive detail of the field trial process, results, modeling, and performance studies including cement bond log (CBL) and caliper data

The Authors are:

T. K. T. Wolterbeek, E.K. Cornelissen, S. Nolan, F. Todea, W. Stam, S. M. Roggeband, L. Dam, E. J. van Riet, F. Ruckert, W. J. G. Keultjes

Local Expander – Annular Squeeze Tool™ 

Let's start the conversation about how Renegade and the Local Expander can work for you.